Renovation of a multi-family building in Palanga
2017. Žilinskis & Co. carried out the for renovation (modernisation) works of the apartment building at Ganyklų g. 53 in Palanga. With the cooperation of the client and the residents, the modernisation works were successfully completed and handed over within 4 months from the start of the works. The name of Žilinskis & Co company should be well-known for the residents of Palanga, as we have already modernised 23 apartment buildings in this Lithuanian resort since 2016. The company is currently carrying out renovation work on 16 other properties in this city. We are pleased to be contributing to the modernisation of the overall image of the resort, which is important for both locals and guests of the resort.
Mūsų įgyvendinamų projektų sudaro užsakymai, gauti laimėjus viešųjų pirkimų konkursus.
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